All donations go directly to supporting NAMI Collier County's free programs and services for those affected by mental illnesses in our community. This community event is an exciting opportunity to show your support for needed mental health services in Collier County.
Walk the path at Arthrex Naples' campus to show your support for Mental Health. After completing your walk, join us for a celebration featuring local artists:
Ben Allen Band!
Be sure to register for this event!
Team or Individual
After you register, you can create or join a team or walk as an individual. Event wristbands will be available for pick up at the NAMI Collier office prior to the Walk. Walk t-shirts are for sale during registration and must be purchased prior to April 15th to guarantee availability. T-Shirts can also be picked up at NAMI Collier before the walk.
Optional Team Dress Up competition
Join a team and have some fun! Get creative while supporting mental health. Dress up as a team and see if you can win the Most Creative Team Dress Up Award!
Reminder: Registration Fees and Donations are non-refundable
You're all set. A copy of your receipt will be emailed to you.
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